Many times we listen to our hearts, men and women alike. It oftentimes seems like the easiest choice, a no brainer in more than one way. But how often do we sit down and consider situations and try to balance the heart and brain evenly. Maybe I’m bitter and cold, two things I’ve been called before. And yes, listening to your heart may seem like the easiest choice at first, but in retrospect nine out of ten times we find ourselves saying, I should have thought it out or I ignored my intuition or simply they had a bad feeling about it but can’t choose who they fall in love with. See right there is what I have an issue with, the notion that we can’t choose who we fall in love with.
As someone who experiences enough pain on an everyday basis, aside from heartache, I try to limit anything extra. So when people claim they can’t choose who they fall in love with, maybe the first mistake is that you fell in love. How about walking into love? As someone whose cheeks are currently tearstained from the aftershocks of love or something like that, I’m not one to give advice, but I can report observations and lived experiences.
Maybe we can’t choose who we have an attraction to, but love is a process despite Common’s claim that it don’t take a day to recognize sunshine. Sunshine or not, I want to take the time to truly appreciate a full day of beauty, the sunrise, horizon, high peak at noon, and sunset. And a day may not seem like a long time but remember it took God six days to create the earth so the notion of days is relative. Why not enjoy the sunshine but also see the complex beauties and disasters that a day can bring too. Also we must realize that sunshine is not always as wonderful as it seems. Today is a snow day in my neck of the woods and after coming in from taking the dogs out, the sun was so bright against the snow, it literally blinded me. So while it may not take a day to recognize sunshine, in only takes moments to be blinded by it.
Although this blog is riddled with metaphors and imagery I want to break away from that and get back to the basics. The job of your heart is to keep you alive, point blank. The job of your brain is to process messages, including pain. So if we’re blindly following our heart we’re simply sending messages of pain the brain processes. Whereas, if we do things slightly different we can rely on our hearts to keep us alive and rely on our brains to keep us from looking at the sun too long.